Tuesday 30 July 2013

My Updated Fitness Routine!

Hi all, Julsie here!

If you follow me on Pinterest, you'll have noticed that I've been pinning a lot on my Fitness board! That is because I have been on a crazy health kick recently. Since I start university in a month, I wanted to get in shape and ring in the new school year feeling confident and looking great! Workouts are not just to "lose weight", but also for glowing skin, strong hair and nails. I wrote myself a little workout calender that's on the back of my bedroom door, with motivational sayings on each day, that I get to cross off every morning before I leave for my jog! This is just a part of my calender, it goes on up until the end of my summer holidays!

I used to focus my workouts on losing weight, and saw each workout as a chore, and each meal to be a burden. But, it just left me feeling miserable. Until I found Youtube and Pinterest, I pretty much hated sport.

Pinterest has fun little workout circuits under the "Health and Fitness" category, as well as healthy meal ideas,  cute workout clothes and girls with amazing bodies! I actually like scrolling through it before I workout for a little extra motivation.

Pastel coloured workout outfits <3

How cute are these shoes!

Also, I really like watching Youtube personal trainers, such as Cassey Ho of Blogilates and Karena and Katrina from Tone It Up. They're what I go to for my "Pilates" section of my calendar, or if I'm on a Yoga day and feel like doing an extra workout, I'll choose one of their videos for targeted toning! I This is one of my favourite toning videos, Victoria's Secret Supermodel Stiletto Legs workout from Blogilates, I get to wear heels to workout!

My goal is to lead a healthier life, but I'm not trying to lose weight drastically, I just have some fat that I want to live without! The most important part of maintaining a fitness routine is to make sure that you can survive that way! So don't go skipping meals and living on a liquid diet and denying yourself a little square of chocolate every now and then! I can't live without my chocolate and ice cream, but a good balance is key!

Love, from Juliana xox

Sunday 28 July 2013

Update and Ballet Talk!

Hey there Tweedlers, Sally here!

Today I thought I'd just give you a little update of everything that's going on which isn't very exciting unfortunately. I'm currently sitting in my Hello Kitty onesie, (cute huh?) which is so comfy typing this up. The reason for this being, I'm in year twelve at school. For those of you who aren't in Australia, this means I'm in my final year of high school so I get a lot of homework. Basically, today I spent my day at home reading 'Interpreter of Maladies' for English, then writing an essay about it and answering some more questions about it. Wow! That's exactly how I like to spend my weekend! [/sarcasm] Anywho, I had mini breaks in between all of that played some Animal Crossing. I also made a interesting juice which tasted quite nice, it consisted of strawberries, kiwi and pears. Weird combo but it was good!

Yesterday, I did a bit of shopping and repurchased some things that I love so I decided to share them with you all;

 I've got combination skin. My T-zone is oily, my cheeks and chin are normal and my eyes are dry. This moisturiser is so good as it's non-comedogenic which means it doesn't clog your pores so you won't get pimples from it! It was under $10AUS and comes in a nice pump bottle as well. I would definitely recommend you give it a try.
 This is my favourite mascara of all time! The Lash-blast Volume mascara by Covergirl. The reason why I wear waterproof is because I do a lot of dancing so I don't want my make up to smudge and for me too look like I've been punched in the eye. The brush is a little big however and it's a bit stubborn to take off but other than that, the formula is perfect.
 I know how random this picture looks, but I got this from T2 while it was on sale. It's a tea strainer, the strainer I had broke (it was a different kind) and the leaves kept falling out of it and into my tea but this one is so easy to use. Put this in your cup, put the leaves in it and pour hot water in. Leave it in there for a few minutes and take this whole thing out. So simple, I don't know why I bought types of strainers before getting this one.

Finally, Juliana asked me to give you a bit of a ballet talk. If you have issues talking about feet maybe don't keep reading... I wasn't too sure of doing it at first but here it goes anyway;

 1. Does pointe hurt?
Yes, but you get use to it hurting. Also the skin on your feet toughen like how a guitarist hands will toughen and you stop getting hundreds of blisters. You probably don't want to see a picture of what my feet look like though...

2. How long have you been on pointe?
I've been on pointe for 8 years, since I was eleven years old.

3. How long do your pointe shoes last?
For me about two weeks. Everyone is different, some of my class mates last a few days, others a few months even though we are all dancing the same amount of time. To make them last longer, I shellac them. Shellac is like a polish and hardens what ever you put it on so many dancers use it to extend the life of their shoe. Pointe shoes cannot be repaired if broken and you cannot share pointe shoes even if someone else is the same size and model as you after you have worn them because they will soften and mould to your foot.

The inside of a pointe shoe is made of paper and glue.

Me in some pointe shoes!
 4. What pointe shoes do you wear? (If you don't know ballet, you'll probably get bored reading this.)
I wear Bloch Alpha pointe shoes currently. I change them every now and then as your feet are constantly changing and also in the hope that I find a shoe I like better. I've worn Bloch Suprima, Serenade, Aspiration, Synergy and Axiom. I've also worn Grishko 2007 H which I love and Freeds Studio II. Unfortunately I stopped wearing Grishko because it was too difficult to buy because they had to be shipped from Russia which took forever leaving me occasionally with no shoes to wear.

Hopefully, you feel a little more knowledgeable after reading this. I hope I didn't weird you out too much! If you have any questions, feel free to tweet me!

Hope you're all well,
Sally xx

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain Review

Hi all,
This new discovery have my mind blown, so I have to share it with you all. And lo and behold, it is the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain. I'm probably really late on the bandwagon, but after
buying it and using it just a few times, I had it stashed in my vanity and forgot about it. But, on a little rampage for a new lip colour in my makeup vanity, I rediscovered this. I bought this in the shade 001 Honey; I thought it was the most natural and something I can pull of on a day to day basis, but intensify the colour for nights out.

My experience with this balm stain is amazing. After a surprise kiss caught me off-guard (I don't have a boyfriend!), I'm so glad I was wearing this balm stain on the day. My lips were perfectly stained, and so moisturized; Nothing is worse than kissing a pair of dry lips! My first thought after the kiss was how incredibly lucky I was to be coincidentally wearing this on the day, and an added bonus, nothing came off on his lips! ;)

The lip stain is in a cute little crayon stick. It really reminds me of the Clinique Chubby Stick, the Topshop Lip Crayon and the Bourjois Color Boost Lip Crayon. The foolproof application makes it really easy to control the area and amount that you apply to your lips, and also you can twist it up for more product, instead of sharpening.

Photo taken in natural daylight.

The shade 001 Honey is a warm pink tone, with a slight peachy sheen. It's slightly glossy, but not like a crazy shimmery lip gloss. It's a typical "my lips, but better" shade, and looks really natural.

Photo taken with indoor light on.

As you can tell from the above photo, the amount of product can be controlled. The first swatch shows the application of the lip stain on it's side, whereas the second is swatched on the pencil tip of the lip stain. This makes sure that you don't go outside of the lines of your lips like a little kid! On me, the lip stain lasts for around 6 hours, even with eating and drinking like normal.

Overall, it is a definite must-buy, and I will definitely be buying this in a few more shades! Hong Kongers be on the lookout, someone told me that it's on sale for $68 HKD in Sasa for a limited time only! (Not sponsored or anything, just sharing this amazing deal!). 
I will be wearing this for all my future kisses from now on ;)

Love, Juliana xox

Saturday 20 July 2013

Sydney Haul

Hi, Sally here! Oops, so I was suppose to blog on Friday but then I forgot and I tried to blog last night but it was too dark to take any pictures and they all turned out quite yellow from the lighting so finally I am blogging today.

So I started school again last week on Tuesday and I've been quite busy and nothing really has changed so I thought I would tell you more about my holiday in Sydney and some things I bought or was given! Now because Sydney is still a part of Australia, most of the shops are the same but a few things caught my eye:

 This cute little cardigan is from Chica Booti and was on sale for $20AUS. It was a little cold in Sydney so my friend and I went clothes shopping. It's woolly on the outside and nice and fluffy on the inside which keeps you super warm. I like wearing this with some jeans.

I may be the biggest Harry Potter fan you will ever meet (or read about). Last time I was in Sydney, I went to the Harry Potter Exhibition which was amazing! At the end, there was a shop and I bought a bookmark, Hermione's wand and a Gryffindor scarf as Pottermore sorted me into that house. So, when my friend went to England, she went to the Warner Bros Studio Tour and got me these badges! My favourite of course would be the Gryffindor badge. She also got me a packet of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans but the packaging got squashed in my suite case so I didn't take a photo of them. I haven't tried any yet because I'm so cared I'll get earwax flavour or earthworm or something awful like that.

While my friend was in England, she also went to France and got me this Arc de Triomphe souvenir. I'd love to go and visit France one day as it looks so beautiful!

 Another of my friends got me this cute little key ring from Singapore. (I feel so spoilt from my friends!) Singapore is another place I would love to visit one day.

While we were leaving Sydney, I saw a small Victoria's Secret shop at the airport and stopped by to have a look as so many people from the US always rave on about this shop. They have a buy 3 and get a discount on their mists that of course I would have to buy 3. Coconut Passion is my favourite one! It smells sweet like coconut and vanilla and I've been compliment on how I smell after spraying this! I highly recommend this one!

Pure Seduction and yes it is seductive. It's suppose to smell like red plum and freesia but to me it smells a bit like the bubble juice I use to blow when I was a child so I guess it was a bit nostalgic for me. I haven't actually worn this one yet but I have smelt it countless times and you can't go wrong with getting this one for someone as a gift.

While I was at Victoria's Secret, I smelt so many scents that I actually couldn't smell any more. I've read that if you smell coffee beans in between each scent it helps your brain clear the smell of the previous one so you can smell the next scent better but unfortunately I didn't have any coffee beans with me. I picked this one, Secret Charm as it looked pretty but I couldn't actually smell it while I was in the shop. When I got home and did smell it, I thought it smelt lovely like flowers and it's labelled as honeysuckle and jasmine.

Sally xx

Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Nerdy Life of LittleMissJuliana

Some of you may know, if you follow my twitter @MissJulianaYu (insert shamless plug here lol) that I'm also really nerdy. As of recently, I've taken up a few languages. I've always wanted to be fluent in 5 foreign languages before I turn 25, that is, excluding English and Mandarin. Since going to school in Australia, I've picked up Italian, and even though I've only learnt it for twoish years, I've kept at it by watching Italian cartoons and beauty vloggers, listening to Italian songs, as well reading Cosmo magazine in Italian (so my parents won't be able to read the raunchy cover lol double whammy!)

As of now, I've taken French, German, Russian and Spanish, as well as brushing up my Italian properly. Since learning these European languages aren't exactly popular amongst Hong-Kongers, I've got to self-teach with language books, textbooks, and the online community of internet tutors.

And yes, that means I do two to three hours a day on weekdays, one hour on Saturday and Sunday, and I give myself weekly unit tests and dictations. Even if I've graduated high school. Even if it's my summer holidays. Hopefully, by the end of all this, I'll be fluent in 7 languages- English, Mandarin, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Italian.

Studying is actually so fun when there's nice stationary involved. Back in high school in Australia, everyone would rip out nice posters or pretty advertisements from magazines to cover a plain notebook.

I like colour-coding my notes as well. It's scientifically proven that it could help jog your memory when it comes to tests and recalling vocab.

Also, I've set my alarm clock to a song called "Buenos Días" ("Good Morning" in Spanish) and it's so incredibly cute. I find myself singing along as I get out of bed.

During my high school years, watching beauty videos on Youtube in any other language except English was my way of procrastination, but I didn't realise that I could actually pursue this hobby as a career. So, I'm about to major in Translation for university at the start of September. How exciting! I could go on a student exchange program for a year, as well as work in any department practically anywhere in the world after I graduate. The fate of an international student.

Love, Juliana xox

Sunday 14 July 2013

I'm back from my holiday!

Sally here, I'm back! Did you miss me? Just kidding! I just got back from my visit to Sydney. While I was there I visited my friends, ate a lot of food and caught a ferry to sight-see Sydney's landmarks and of course took some photos:

Luna Park
Water Taxi
It was so good to catch up with my friends again and seeing how much had changed since I last visited! The weather was a little cold and rainy while I was up so my friends and I went to Paddy's Market in China Town and I bought a Hello Kitty onesie to keep me warm at home. While I was there, I ate so much Thai food because my friend showed me this amazing restaurant! I can't wait to go there again! Also, I had so much Yum Cha where I mostly ate egg tarts and mango pudding, my favourites. On my second last day, the weather was nice and warm (for winter) so my friends and I spend some time in Hyde Park and took lots of pictures. Finally it was time to go, the plane got delayed as someone had decided to get off as it was about to depart. Other than that everything went smoothly. The only downside I guess is not having a constant wifi connection which is a bit difficult for a techie girl like me.


Saturday 6 July 2013

PUPA Silk Touch Foundation Review

I promised myself that I was going to stop buying makeup for a little while, since I'm on my summer holidays and probably won't be going out much.
But of course my little nagging conscience came up with every possible excuse as soon as I walked into a makeup pharmacy.
Behold! A new foundation :)

Luckily, it wasn't much of a damage to my wallet. At only HK$78 ($74 with a student discount! Scoreeee!) I got myself the PUPA Silk Touch Foundation. I first heard about the Italian brand PUPA when I was youtube-surfing through some Italian beauty vloggers. I only just got a teensy bit excited when I found the brand at my local pharmacy! The people who worked there thought I was a bit crazy.

The product info at the back claimed it was a 2-in-1 foundation; as moisturising as a fluid, and as matte (and luminous!) as a face powder. With 30mL of medium to high coverage product and being hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested, I thought I might give it a go!

First of all, I have normal skin, but it tends to be a bit oily during the hot and humid months of Hong Kong. I love how this is a light, creme to powder finish, so I could skip my powder when I use this. My biggest skin insecurity is my acne scarring. There was a time in my life where I really didn't care for the well-being of my skin, and left behind some awful marks. But, this foundation has amazing coverage, and is definitely build-able. It has "un innovativo elastomero siliconico" (innovative soft-touch silicon) which means that it can help shrink the appearance of pores, as well as help the foundation smooth onto the skin. The creme to powder finish also makes it really long wearing, so this product is basically the combination of a primer, concealer, foundation and powder.
I'm flabbergasted.

It reminds me of the European equivalent of the Asian BB cream. But, my skin has never been compatible with BB creams, they just tend to sit a bit uncomfortably on the surface of my skin.
But, this foundation does what the product info says- it blends into the skin and "senza effeto maschera" (without a mask-like effect).
The pharmacy that I bought this in only had the shade 02, which I was skeptical about, but it blends perfectly into my NC15-NC20 skin tone.

The PUPA Silk Touch Foundation really reminded me of the Laura Mercier Silk Creme Foundation that I sampled from the makeup counter a while ago, but without the hefty price tag. It's definitely worth purchasing and sampling for yourself.
I'm still gaping into my mirror, speechless, at the flawlessness of this foundation.

Love, Juliana xox

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Sally's June Favourites

Today, I decided to film a video of my June favourites. Some of the things I raved on about, I believe I should have gone into more detail but there are time restrictions so I thought I could talk about it here in case some of you didn't get a chance to see the video.

 1. I recently bought a Mac Paintpot in colour Bare Study. I bought this colour because I believed it was the most versatile. It's a nice light champagne colour which I can wear as a primer under eyeshadow or even just on it's own. I have mostly been wearing it on it's own and it looks very plain on my eyelid until the light catches and it looks like magic! The only downside I have to this product is that it seems to crease a bit if I put too much on.
 2. I love the colour of the Mac Twig lipstick which I found in the satin collection. My lips are rather dark so it looks quite natural on me. I like this as it isn't too bold when I'm going for a natural look. Unfortunately, I do find this lipstick quite drying but I have found a way around it. Before wearing this I put on some of the original Burt's Bees lip balm which is very matte but moisturising.
 3. I truthfully only recently started drinking tea but I have found that I don't do too well with caffeine in my body. I always go into the shop T2 and tried their sample teas that they have on display. I currently own the Aussie Red Chai which is one of my favourites but I've run out, Strawberries and Cream which is lovely in the summer, Peppermint tea which I quite like and a Relax tea which I sometimes have before bed. The tea I talk about in this video is just simply called Red Tea. Basically, red tea is also called hibiscus tea and is a tisane. From what I've read about this tea, it's similar to green tea but actually has more benefits and health promotion properties. The best thing about it for me is that it is naturally caffeine-free! You can read more about the benefits of Red Tea here!
4. As you probably already know, I love playing video games. I have been a huge fan of the game the Sims and have been playing it ever since The Sims came out. I have loyally moved through the family, onto the Sims 2 and 3 and hopefully Sims 4. I was a little late playing this game as I was so busy when it came out but finally had a chance to play it last month. I loved the Sims 2 University and had high expectations for the Sims 3 University Life, which fortunately it met. I think the reason I love this game so much is because I love what college and uni sounds like in the US. The idea of staying in a dorm with a room-mate sounds so great but where I live, this doesn't happen so I guess I'll live this experience through the Sims. I highly recommend this expansion pack if you're a Simmer! Read more about this game here!
5. I don't even know where to begin with this. I love this game 'nuff said; Animal Crossing New Leaf. Like the Sims I have been playing Animal Crossing since AC:PG for GameCube which is a long time ago. Although AC:CF for Wii was a bit of a flunk, I still remained optimistic for this game and bought my 3DS the moment it came out just for Animal Crossing. After what I believe was around a 3 year wait for this game, I am super happy with it and play it everyday! The fact that it's on a portable 3DS makes it even better because I can play it on the train or in bed or where ever and whenever I want! Read more about the game here!
6. Lucky last, my beautiful Kindle! I know it's sort of weird to call it beautiful but I love it so much. I love to read books and the Kindle is so light and compact and can hold roughly 1100 books! That's is amazing! My Kindle is called Kindle Paperwhite and I love that I can adjust the lighting because it has a built in LED illuminating light. Don't worry, this sort of lighting doesn't hurt your eyes, it's simply the same as turning on a reading light whilst reading in the dark. The amazing thing about the Kindle is that the Kindle library has so many free books for bookworms like meAlthough I love the smell and touch of a book, the Kindles are great for travel and I only have to charge mine once a month!

I hope you learnt something from reading this and I'll talk to you later!

Love Sally xx

Tuesday 2 July 2013

My Ingenius Plan.

Hi all, hoped you liked our little introduction :)

I thought I might dedicate my first post to one of the things that I love most- beauty products. I love having just a little bit of luxury in my daily routine, whether it's a fancy hand lotion from Europe, or a little spritz of my Victoria's Secret body spray to feel great (I'm loving the scent Noir Tease!)
But, since my daily routine would drastically change when I go off to uni in September, I thought I might share with you all my amazingly thought out plan for my shower routine as soon as I move off to live in the uni dorms.

So. My ingenious plan.
I figured that it would be absolutely stupid to lug in all my hair products and face masks and loofas and showercaps and whatnot, as well as my towels and clothes. So, I'm going to get a shower caddy (preferably pink!) to bring all of my products in, and instead of towels and clothes, I'm going to wear a silky pink bathrobe. That way, I can bring everything I need into the showers with me, as well as go in and out with style :)

Alsoooooo, it can be an excuse for me to go crazy and buy a ton of Victoria's Secret body washes (they're doing an incredible deal for HK$298 for 3 bottles! Whaaaat!) and bring it all to uni with me. I've been eying the "Pure Daydream" scent, I'm planning to get everything they have in that scent.
I know the point of uni isn't exactly for luxurious shower experiences, but I can't help but to have an excuse to buy new products and giggle to myself with a slight twinge of guilt.
As you might have noticed I'm sortof just a little bit proud of my plan.

On an absolute tangent here, I had no idea that Victoria's Secret sold sunglasses! I've always been afraid of the big ones, cos I have fat chipmunk cheeks so they always hit the bottom of the glasses, but I tried on a pair of big aviators yesterday, and I'm absolutely in love! Probably going to treat myself since it's summer afterall. I like to keep my sunglasses in my makeup vanity, just because if I get lazy after doing my face makeup, I can cheat and just wear sunglasses instead of doing my eye makeup. As you can tell I have extreme priorities.

Anywhoo, I'm leaving on that note, because ironically, I only have a couple hours to get ready for a friend's overnight birthday celebration! I'm a diva, I know. Shhh! ;)

Wow this post is just so scatterbrained, it was not how I imagined it in my head.

Love, from Juliana xox