Wednesday 3 July 2013

Sally's June Favourites

Today, I decided to film a video of my June favourites. Some of the things I raved on about, I believe I should have gone into more detail but there are time restrictions so I thought I could talk about it here in case some of you didn't get a chance to see the video.

 1. I recently bought a Mac Paintpot in colour Bare Study. I bought this colour because I believed it was the most versatile. It's a nice light champagne colour which I can wear as a primer under eyeshadow or even just on it's own. I have mostly been wearing it on it's own and it looks very plain on my eyelid until the light catches and it looks like magic! The only downside I have to this product is that it seems to crease a bit if I put too much on.
 2. I love the colour of the Mac Twig lipstick which I found in the satin collection. My lips are rather dark so it looks quite natural on me. I like this as it isn't too bold when I'm going for a natural look. Unfortunately, I do find this lipstick quite drying but I have found a way around it. Before wearing this I put on some of the original Burt's Bees lip balm which is very matte but moisturising.
 3. I truthfully only recently started drinking tea but I have found that I don't do too well with caffeine in my body. I always go into the shop T2 and tried their sample teas that they have on display. I currently own the Aussie Red Chai which is one of my favourites but I've run out, Strawberries and Cream which is lovely in the summer, Peppermint tea which I quite like and a Relax tea which I sometimes have before bed. The tea I talk about in this video is just simply called Red Tea. Basically, red tea is also called hibiscus tea and is a tisane. From what I've read about this tea, it's similar to green tea but actually has more benefits and health promotion properties. The best thing about it for me is that it is naturally caffeine-free! You can read more about the benefits of Red Tea here!
4. As you probably already know, I love playing video games. I have been a huge fan of the game the Sims and have been playing it ever since The Sims came out. I have loyally moved through the family, onto the Sims 2 and 3 and hopefully Sims 4. I was a little late playing this game as I was so busy when it came out but finally had a chance to play it last month. I loved the Sims 2 University and had high expectations for the Sims 3 University Life, which fortunately it met. I think the reason I love this game so much is because I love what college and uni sounds like in the US. The idea of staying in a dorm with a room-mate sounds so great but where I live, this doesn't happen so I guess I'll live this experience through the Sims. I highly recommend this expansion pack if you're a Simmer! Read more about this game here!
5. I don't even know where to begin with this. I love this game 'nuff said; Animal Crossing New Leaf. Like the Sims I have been playing Animal Crossing since AC:PG for GameCube which is a long time ago. Although AC:CF for Wii was a bit of a flunk, I still remained optimistic for this game and bought my 3DS the moment it came out just for Animal Crossing. After what I believe was around a 3 year wait for this game, I am super happy with it and play it everyday! The fact that it's on a portable 3DS makes it even better because I can play it on the train or in bed or where ever and whenever I want! Read more about the game here!
6. Lucky last, my beautiful Kindle! I know it's sort of weird to call it beautiful but I love it so much. I love to read books and the Kindle is so light and compact and can hold roughly 1100 books! That's is amazing! My Kindle is called Kindle Paperwhite and I love that I can adjust the lighting because it has a built in LED illuminating light. Don't worry, this sort of lighting doesn't hurt your eyes, it's simply the same as turning on a reading light whilst reading in the dark. The amazing thing about the Kindle is that the Kindle library has so many free books for bookworms like meAlthough I love the smell and touch of a book, the Kindles are great for travel and I only have to charge mine once a month!

I hope you learnt something from reading this and I'll talk to you later!

Love Sally xx

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