Saturday 20 July 2013

Sydney Haul

Hi, Sally here! Oops, so I was suppose to blog on Friday but then I forgot and I tried to blog last night but it was too dark to take any pictures and they all turned out quite yellow from the lighting so finally I am blogging today.

So I started school again last week on Tuesday and I've been quite busy and nothing really has changed so I thought I would tell you more about my holiday in Sydney and some things I bought or was given! Now because Sydney is still a part of Australia, most of the shops are the same but a few things caught my eye:

 This cute little cardigan is from Chica Booti and was on sale for $20AUS. It was a little cold in Sydney so my friend and I went clothes shopping. It's woolly on the outside and nice and fluffy on the inside which keeps you super warm. I like wearing this with some jeans.

I may be the biggest Harry Potter fan you will ever meet (or read about). Last time I was in Sydney, I went to the Harry Potter Exhibition which was amazing! At the end, there was a shop and I bought a bookmark, Hermione's wand and a Gryffindor scarf as Pottermore sorted me into that house. So, when my friend went to England, she went to the Warner Bros Studio Tour and got me these badges! My favourite of course would be the Gryffindor badge. She also got me a packet of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans but the packaging got squashed in my suite case so I didn't take a photo of them. I haven't tried any yet because I'm so cared I'll get earwax flavour or earthworm or something awful like that.

While my friend was in England, she also went to France and got me this Arc de Triomphe souvenir. I'd love to go and visit France one day as it looks so beautiful!

 Another of my friends got me this cute little key ring from Singapore. (I feel so spoilt from my friends!) Singapore is another place I would love to visit one day.

While we were leaving Sydney, I saw a small Victoria's Secret shop at the airport and stopped by to have a look as so many people from the US always rave on about this shop. They have a buy 3 and get a discount on their mists that of course I would have to buy 3. Coconut Passion is my favourite one! It smells sweet like coconut and vanilla and I've been compliment on how I smell after spraying this! I highly recommend this one!

Pure Seduction and yes it is seductive. It's suppose to smell like red plum and freesia but to me it smells a bit like the bubble juice I use to blow when I was a child so I guess it was a bit nostalgic for me. I haven't actually worn this one yet but I have smelt it countless times and you can't go wrong with getting this one for someone as a gift.

While I was at Victoria's Secret, I smelt so many scents that I actually couldn't smell any more. I've read that if you smell coffee beans in between each scent it helps your brain clear the smell of the previous one so you can smell the next scent better but unfortunately I didn't have any coffee beans with me. I picked this one, Secret Charm as it looked pretty but I couldn't actually smell it while I was in the shop. When I got home and did smell it, I thought it smelt lovely like flowers and it's labelled as honeysuckle and jasmine.

Sally xx

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