Sunday 28 July 2013

Update and Ballet Talk!

Hey there Tweedlers, Sally here!

Today I thought I'd just give you a little update of everything that's going on which isn't very exciting unfortunately. I'm currently sitting in my Hello Kitty onesie, (cute huh?) which is so comfy typing this up. The reason for this being, I'm in year twelve at school. For those of you who aren't in Australia, this means I'm in my final year of high school so I get a lot of homework. Basically, today I spent my day at home reading 'Interpreter of Maladies' for English, then writing an essay about it and answering some more questions about it. Wow! That's exactly how I like to spend my weekend! [/sarcasm] Anywho, I had mini breaks in between all of that played some Animal Crossing. I also made a interesting juice which tasted quite nice, it consisted of strawberries, kiwi and pears. Weird combo but it was good!

Yesterday, I did a bit of shopping and repurchased some things that I love so I decided to share them with you all;

 I've got combination skin. My T-zone is oily, my cheeks and chin are normal and my eyes are dry. This moisturiser is so good as it's non-comedogenic which means it doesn't clog your pores so you won't get pimples from it! It was under $10AUS and comes in a nice pump bottle as well. I would definitely recommend you give it a try.
 This is my favourite mascara of all time! The Lash-blast Volume mascara by Covergirl. The reason why I wear waterproof is because I do a lot of dancing so I don't want my make up to smudge and for me too look like I've been punched in the eye. The brush is a little big however and it's a bit stubborn to take off but other than that, the formula is perfect.
 I know how random this picture looks, but I got this from T2 while it was on sale. It's a tea strainer, the strainer I had broke (it was a different kind) and the leaves kept falling out of it and into my tea but this one is so easy to use. Put this in your cup, put the leaves in it and pour hot water in. Leave it in there for a few minutes and take this whole thing out. So simple, I don't know why I bought types of strainers before getting this one.

Finally, Juliana asked me to give you a bit of a ballet talk. If you have issues talking about feet maybe don't keep reading... I wasn't too sure of doing it at first but here it goes anyway;

 1. Does pointe hurt?
Yes, but you get use to it hurting. Also the skin on your feet toughen like how a guitarist hands will toughen and you stop getting hundreds of blisters. You probably don't want to see a picture of what my feet look like though...

2. How long have you been on pointe?
I've been on pointe for 8 years, since I was eleven years old.

3. How long do your pointe shoes last?
For me about two weeks. Everyone is different, some of my class mates last a few days, others a few months even though we are all dancing the same amount of time. To make them last longer, I shellac them. Shellac is like a polish and hardens what ever you put it on so many dancers use it to extend the life of their shoe. Pointe shoes cannot be repaired if broken and you cannot share pointe shoes even if someone else is the same size and model as you after you have worn them because they will soften and mould to your foot.

The inside of a pointe shoe is made of paper and glue.

Me in some pointe shoes!
 4. What pointe shoes do you wear? (If you don't know ballet, you'll probably get bored reading this.)
I wear Bloch Alpha pointe shoes currently. I change them every now and then as your feet are constantly changing and also in the hope that I find a shoe I like better. I've worn Bloch Suprima, Serenade, Aspiration, Synergy and Axiom. I've also worn Grishko 2007 H which I love and Freeds Studio II. Unfortunately I stopped wearing Grishko because it was too difficult to buy because they had to be shipped from Russia which took forever leaving me occasionally with no shoes to wear.

Hopefully, you feel a little more knowledgeable after reading this. I hope I didn't weird you out too much! If you have any questions, feel free to tweet me!

Hope you're all well,
Sally xx

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