Sunday 14 July 2013

I'm back from my holiday!

Sally here, I'm back! Did you miss me? Just kidding! I just got back from my visit to Sydney. While I was there I visited my friends, ate a lot of food and caught a ferry to sight-see Sydney's landmarks and of course took some photos:

Luna Park
Water Taxi
It was so good to catch up with my friends again and seeing how much had changed since I last visited! The weather was a little cold and rainy while I was up so my friends and I went to Paddy's Market in China Town and I bought a Hello Kitty onesie to keep me warm at home. While I was there, I ate so much Thai food because my friend showed me this amazing restaurant! I can't wait to go there again! Also, I had so much Yum Cha where I mostly ate egg tarts and mango pudding, my favourites. On my second last day, the weather was nice and warm (for winter) so my friends and I spend some time in Hyde Park and took lots of pictures. Finally it was time to go, the plane got delayed as someone had decided to get off as it was about to depart. Other than that everything went smoothly. The only downside I guess is not having a constant wifi connection which is a bit difficult for a techie girl like me.


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