Friday 2 August 2013

The Host and an Apple Crumble Recipe!

Hey there, Sally here!

I'm not to sure if many of you have read The Host by Stephanie Meyer? I wasn't a big fan of her Twilight series but I must say that this book is worth reading. I've read 75% of it according to my Kindle and it's so good I can't stop reading. Basically it's about this alien race that go to different planets and they have to live off a body like a parasite. The soul (what the aliens are called) take over your brain and basically you lose your identity. That's all I'm going to say because I'm scared I'm going to give too much away. Anyway, there's a movie as well for those of you who don't like reading and it's a great movie! I might do a little reading section in my blogs whenever I finish a book if you're interested?

I also thought I'd give you my favourite Apple Crumble Recipe! I love making it so much and it's pretty simple to make and perfect for the winter! The cooking time is 45 minutes!

The recipe I'm about to share with you is for 4 servings.

>4 Apples
>4 tablespoons lemon juice
>2 tablespoons cinnamon powder
>butter (greasing dish)

For the Crumble Dough
>120g unsalted butter
>80g brown sugar
>160g plain flour

Whipped Cream
>80ml double cream
>20g icing sugar

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C
2. Cut the butter into small pieces and chill them in the refrigerator
3. Peel the apples
4. Cut each apple into wedges of eight and remove the core
5. Put the wedges in a bowl and coat them with the 4 tablespoons of lemon juice
6. Add the cinnamon powder and mix it all together
7. Coat an ovenproof dish with butter
8. Layer the wedges in the dish
9. In a separate bowl, mix the butter, flour and sugar together with your hands until crumbly
10. Cover the wedges with the crumble dough
11. Put the dish in the oven and bake for 35 minutes
12. In another bowl, whip the cream and icing sugar together
13. Take the apple crumble out of the oven and serve on a dish
14. Pour on the whipped cream
15. Done, enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed my recipe. It's delicious! Today I went and bought the Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer because my Covergirl one has almost run out. Hopefully it's as good as the reviews say but I'll let you guys know next week! 

I have an English exam on Monday which sucks but when that's done I'll be super happy! Hope you guys enjoyed this post! Until next time!


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