Saturday 17 August 2013

Garnier Dark Spot Corrector Review

As you're reading this, I'm away at university orientation camp! Having been to international schools all my life, I was expecting wilderness and tents and living on bare necessities.That was all the camps I've ever been to, and I've gotten a lot of survival skills like the Heat Escape Lessening Posture (HELP) position when you fall into the sea, or first aid, or CPR, or making a campfire.
But it turns out local Asian camp is totally mild. Like, living indoors with showers and toilets. On the to-bring list they told us to bring phone chargers.... This feels more like a luxurious, "outdoor" getaway!
But thanks Sal for posting this for me whilst I'm away!

If you saw my Pupa Silk Touch Foundation Review, then you would know that I have horrible acne scarring. I don't even know how it started, but maybe it was the stress of exams, or not having time to do weekly facials since I was slaving away for school.

Just a little background information, acne scarring is the result of excess melanin production, the dark pigment that makes you tan. Some people are born with high melanin production in their skin cells, resulting in a darker natural skin tone. But, as a typical Asian, I have fairly light skin, so any acne scarring is like, a brown spot on a white canvas.
As a reference, I have around NC15-NC20 ish skin tone, depending on the season.

I always look for high coverage foundations, but the hot and sticky summer heat makes it really annoying to be wearing thicker foundations, especially since I have normal to oily skin. So, since seeing this at the local drugstore, I decided to give this product a go!

*Unfortunately, the photo is not my own, I've been so busy, and it's so hard to take good quality photos at night!

It claims to fade discolouration, from dark spots, age spots and blemish marks. Which is absolutely perfect, its exactly what I need faded! It is made up of pure Vitamin C, which encourages faster skin turnover, and  allow you to lighten your discolouration. In less sugar-coated words, it makes your skin cells shed faster, like a friggin snake. But don't worry, it's nothing you can actually see.....
I made it sound really gross, but that's the technicality behind it.

It has a typical fresh moisturiser scent, just like every other Garnier product. I use it as a daily moisturiser, even though it's a little thick, but nothing my skin can't handle. I like to know that my moisturiser is lightening my discolouration whilst I've got makeup on. Since it's only my 5th day using this product, I can't exactly say if it really lightens my discolouration, but my skin definitely looks brighter and more luminous. I'm not sure about it in the long run, but I will keep you updated! At HKD$129, it's definitely worth trying, if it means I can use less foundation, or hopefully even go without it someday! Plus, all those high end, high coverage foundations and concealers tend to add up, cost-wise, so technically skin care products that claim to improve your skin tone will be more worth it!
I'll definitely keep you all updated on how it turns out! I really don't want to take a before and after photo of my skin, it's not like I want to be reminded of how shitty my skin is (was? hopefully?!).

Haha , lots of love, from Julsie! xox

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