Wednesday 2 October 2013

Fall Fashion and Makeup Essentials!

Hi all,

Since the Fall season is coming up fast, I've been going crazy with Fall fashion and makeup essentials, just to live this Fall to the max #youtuberprobs

Alas, here are my Fall essentials:


1. Chunky Sweaters
Chunky Sweaters are a definite must-have for fall; it's great to cozy up in by the couch, or really practical for those breezy-but-not-really days. What's the downside to looking fashionable yet huggable?!

2. Olive, olive, olive!
Olive is a super trendy colour this Fall, and you don't have to dress head to toe in green to be trendy. Just incorporate some olive-shaded accents into your outfit to stay super on-trend this Fall!

3. Fall boots
Um okay can I just express my love for leather boots in Fall... They look super cute with just jeans and a t shirt, or you can layer higher socks with it so your socks peek out from under your boots. Leather boots are such a classic for Fall, whether it's heeled, flat, tall or ankled, LOVE.


1. Rose Coloured Blush
Rose coloured blush looks great with the earthy tones of Fall, and with the darker months coming up, a rosy pink blush can really brighten up your face.

2. Glowy Skin
Glowy skin is again, super in this Fall season, but lezzbehonest when would you rather have dull looking skin......?
Luminizing products such as highlighters and products with reflective properties can brighten up your skin tone in these duller months, despite the drier skin and darker outfits!

3. Flirty Lashes
I absolutely adore bold, flirty lashes. It opens up the eyes and makes everything so much more fun! The only issue that I have is, when I find a really great mascara (ahem, Covergirl Lashblast, ahem), I'm there sitting in class, and my eyelid tickles because when I look up to take notes, my lashes brushes against my eyelids. First world problems much....

Okay and I'm just throwing this out there since we're on the topic of Fall, but I'm abso-freakin-lutely obsessed with the Starbucks Salted Caramel Mocha. It is just beautiful.

So thats it, my Fall fashion and makeup (and drink!) essentials this Fall. Leave me a comment as to what your favourite Fall things are, or tweet me at @MissJulianaYu anytime!

Julsie xx

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