Saturday 19 October 2013

Update and Current Obsessions!

Hey hey y'all, it's Julsie here :)

So I've been absolutely dying under all my school work- just a quick update, I got offered into a university to do the 5 year Translation programme, which I accepted the offer and moved into the dorms, but in my first week of school I got offered into another university into Year 2, to study Psychology for a total of 3 years. I took up the offer, because Translation wasn't what I thought it would be- Its just plainly chinese-english translation and I've been doing that my whole life (multicultural probs) so I found it really boring. 
So to sum it up, I basically skipped the first year of university, and will graduate at 20. No pressure, right? Lol.
But I'm knee deep in mid-terms so far, but thankfully, like the typical asian, I've been getting straight As.... yet here I am blogging instead of studying. Awks.

I finally got to post my first video on Youtube! Check it out below @LittleMissJuliana! Please support me and hit like and subscribe and leave me a comment, it means a lot! :))

Beauty obsessions:

I've been absolutely obsessed with my new MAC Blacktrack Fluidline. I got it the other day because my old Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner was drying up, and I really wanted to amp up my everyday look with a winged eyeliner. If you guys follow me on twitter @MissJulianaYu, then you know that I simply adore my kohl eyeliners from Rimmel but it's not as practical as it's just so smooth and creamy that it'll smudge if I tried to wing it out.

I've been really liking the Sinful Colors nail polish in the shade Snow Me White. It's such a perfect white to enhance a tan and it doesn't look tacky like tippex on your nails. It's not a cream-based white, nor is it a bluey white, but doesn't look dodgy at all. Love, love, love!

I'm so obsessed with the MAC Plum Foolery blush. It's a gorgeous shade of plum, with a hint of sheen. But, coming from an oily skin-ed gal it's nothing major, it just looks like a satin finish. I love finishing my look off with a plum-shade blush and a rosey lipgloss- the perfect transition look from summer to fall. It's actually still really warm in Hong Kong so I've been living my fall-season dreams through my makeup and fashion. Thankfully all the lecture halls in uni have the air con blasting. 
Stupid story: Once I got so excited cos I was actually kinda chilly, and was so excited that fall in Hong Kong exists (it's usually too humid for fall!) but after 5 minutes I realised my air conditioner was on... #awkward much.

Last, but definitely not least is the L'oreal Shine Caresse lip gloss. I'm especially liking the shade 606 Lolita, which I've heard is only available in Asia. So come to Asia or get your friends to ship it to you, it's so worth it! It's the perfect doll-like pink, but nothing too extravagant. It's natural looking and is the perfect summer-to-fall transition shade!

That's it for all my beauty obsessions now, definitely check them out if you get a chance to! Love you all and miss you!

Love, Juliana xox

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