Saturday 22 February 2014

Sally's Canadian Adventure

Hey my dears, Sally here!

Today I thought I'd talk to you about my Canadian Adventure. At the beginning of this year I went all the way to freezing Toronto in Canada for 3 weeks. I had such an amazing time even though while it was 40c over here, it was -40c over there. FREEZING!

 While I was there, I visited Niagara Falls which was frozen all over as you can see in the picture above. It was so beautiful and I love how free I felt there. Definitely a go to place if you're visiting Canada. Also it was cool how you could see the US from there. There was so much snow at Niagara and I made a snow angel. Also, I loved the tourist attractions at Niagara Falls such as the haunted houses and maple fudge shops.

I went to David's Tea very often, which is a cute tea shop because it was very close to where I was staying and it was perfect for warming up my hands and throat after standing in -40c for 5 minutes. I loved their Birthday Cake tea and Gingerbread.
 I had so much Maple Syrup while I was in Canada that now that I'm back in Australia, I've maintained this habit even though it's much more expensive over here. That stuff is good. While talking about food, I had at least 3 times a week Baskin-Robbins which is an ice cream shop. I love their variety of ice cream. Above I've got a scoop of Gingerbread ice cream and underneath Popcorn ice cream. So good!
Here is a picture of a house that looked very festive and pretty with snow on it so I took a picture of it. Haha that's all. During my stay, I also visited the CN tower and got a 3 course meal which was very expensive but extremely delicious! Also the view was amazing! I had a caesar salad to begin with, then a marinated chicken with wild rice and a delicious salted caramel pudding! I can still clearly remember the taste of the pudding because it was so good!

That's pretty much it for now.
Thanks for reading my blog, hope you're all well and I'll talk to you soon!
Love Sally. xx

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