Sunday, 10 August 2014

Zoo Trip & The Program

Hey friends, 

Sally here. So recently some of my friends from Canada came down on exchange and we've been taking them around here there and everywhere. Last weekend had some nice weather so we took them to the zoo so they could have a look at some Aussie animals which were all rather lazy and asleep. My favourite animals were the tigers but the baby elephant was so cute! While we were there we had a picnic too which was nice even though I need to make a mental note to myself not to bring chips as it seems to be everyones staple food. Anyway, it was a lovely weekend and here are some pictures from it. I've been trying to get into photography so if you want to check out some of my photos, click: Here

Also, recently I've been trying to pick up my reading again as I've been a bit slack this year. Elle Fowler (a YouTuber) recommend in one of her videos the book, 'The Program' by Suzanne Young. I'm so impressed with this book I could barley put it down. Basically it's about a suicide epidemic effecting 1 in 3 teenagers which is contagious. For example someones, friend commits suicide, then they becoming depressed and commit suicide and then the cycle continues. They are unsure of how this all started but anti depressants have stopped working. The Program is a group of handlers that work to try and stop this epidemic. They come in and erase the contaminated part of your memories that are causing the depression and then let you off to start your new life. In the book, the protagonist, Sloane gets taken by the program but she fights against it. She doesn't want to forget so she hides a ring given to her by her boyfriend James and a photography of James and her brother in her room in hopes that when she returns from The Program it will spark some memory in her.

That's all I want to say for now because I really want you to read the book. It sounds like a really depressing and uncomfortable topic but I can assure you the book is a can't put it down book and I read it really quickly. I'm just about to start the next book in the series called The Treatment so I'll let you know about that when I'm done reading it.

Hope you guys have all been well!

Love Sally.


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